Campi neri di pensiero (Black Fields of Thought)
3 pieces 8 x 10 inches each
© Bettina Werner 1991
Painting created with textured colorized salt technique
invented by Bettina
Werner in the early 1980's.
Las Vegas Art Museum, The Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection: Fifty Works
for Fifty States, a joint initiative of the Trustees of the Dorothy and
Herbert Vogel Collection and the National Gallery of Art, with generous
support from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Institute for
Museum and Library Services.
The Vogels with Director of the film Megumi Sasaki and Bettina Werner leaving a restaurant in East Hampton, October 18, 2008
Alec Baldwin with Hamptons International Film Festival winners Megumi Sasaki and Erik Poppe, October 19, 2008